Working terriers
Kljub temu, da danes po večini terierje srečujemo kot hišne ljubljenčke in družabnike, zmorejo seveda veliko več. Iz njihove narave veje lovski in športni karakter, kar pomeni, da so uporabni v številnih kinoloških disciplinah.
V nadaljevanju lahko najdete več o nekaterih terierskih aktivnostih, seveda pa vse člane vabimo, da nam pošljejo njihove rezultate in uspehe, ki jih bomo z veseljem objavili na naših spletnih straneh. Vabimo vas, da nam predstavite vaše uspehe na tekmovanjih poslušnosti, rally obedience, agilityu, coursingu ter v lovskih vodah.
Despite the fact that today the majority of terriers we see as pets and companions, their abilities are far more developed. Their nature reveals hunting instinct and as well sports character, which means that they are most useful in numerous of canine disciplines.
Below you can find more about some of the terrier activities, and of course all members are invited to send us their results and success, which will be gladly posted on our website. We also invite you to present us your success in competitions of obedience, rally obedience, agility, coursing and hunting.